Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Green Eggs and Hamlet

1. To quote Freaky Friday loosely, "Hamlet is a guy, he's just bopping around, doesn't know which way's up, I don't think the guy has a clue..." and that's about all I know about Hamlet.
2. Shakespeare was a playwright who wrote Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet etc.  and he lived a few hundred years ago during the 17th century and he used a lot of iambic pentameter. Oh, he also married this chick named Anne Hathaway which I only know because I like the present day Anne Hathaway.
3. People usually frown when they hear Shakespeare because his work is hard to understand because he makes so many allusions synonymous with his time period and you literally have to read between the lines for everything.
4. We can make studying Hamlet a cool experience by acting it out and really getting in to it as a class instead of reading it on our own at home.

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